Friday, February 3, 2012

Assignment FIVE

In the story we come across a poem that Harold has writen on a wall with red lipstick. The poem reads "Dirty girls get mud in their eye, They eat maggots and die, Break brains bad things bad things, They all die down in my pantry" (Mosley 152). Harold is described as a homeless bum living in the streets but with the evidence of his writen poem we know that Harold is able to read, write and display complex thoughts in writen form. This now demonstrates that Harold is an intelegent man not just a common bum with no education. In 1965 many   African Americans did not read due to the economic class structure so to find a homelessman with an education could have been very rare. The fact that Nola was strangled to death then shot in the head after she was dead displays a sense that this murder was personal and emotional. Harold did not just commit a random murdur and Nola was not a random victim, she was chosen and what ever she did in her life affected Harold and she payed for it with her life.

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